Monday, 20 February 2012

Three Forms of Yamuna / Link

There are three forms of each element in this universe.

1. Adhidaivik: The divine form - She is the Fourth patarani of Shree Krishna in Golokdham. This form always resides with Shree Krishna. Shree Yamunaji appeared from the left part of heart of Shree Krishna. Shree Yamunaji always bears the age of 16 years in Golokdham. She is dark is color, just like Shree Krishna. Shree Yamunaji, in summary, having the same swaroop like Shree Krishna.

2. Adhyatmik: The divine attributes attached with it - Shree Yamunaji's nature and importance is, the one who, knowingly or unknowingly takes the divine water of Shree Yamunaji, all his sins gets destroyed, all obstacles coming in the way for Bhagwad seva will get destroyed etc.

3. Adhibhautik: The perceived form - The River form of Shree Yamunaji that is flowing in Mathura and Shreemad Gokul. In reality, all these three forms are one and one only. The adhyatmik form resides in the Adhidaivik form and the Adhibhautik form will contain the Adhidaivik and adhyatmik form. Within the adhidaivik form, one form may be a part incarnation or the full incarnation.

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